Put It Away
Finding Peace
I have thought about the recession lately and how it affects people. I think the most damaging effect is despair. People feel as though they have lost control of their lives.
I want you to know, though, that when things beyond your control happen, that there are still many things you CAN control, things that you can do to enact positive change in your life. Two of these are organization and management. You can organize your home, your office, your car, your schedule. You can better manage your time, your talents, your relationships.
Maybe you are unemployed or underemployed. Maybe you're employed, but because of the crunch you are now working twice as much on the same pay. Whatever the circumstance, organization and management skills can help you alleviate the tension, the stress, the despair.
Each time you organize something, no matter how small, you feel better. You have more peace. You have more control. You have more time, because now you do not have to look for that item, or wonder about your schedule, and so forth. I encourage you to find the peace: find the sense of accomplishment that comes through order and being in control (the definition of manage), of the things you CAN.
My training sessions combine DVDs, group activities, individual critical thinking, media, humor, etc.
Tammy searched for the best of the best, whether it was a DVD, a life changing principle, or simply a fun way to engage you.
Any of these "business skills" can become a training session. Actually, anything on my website--I am able to teach.
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking involves logical thinking and reasoning including skills such as comparison, classification, sequencing, cause/effect, patterning, webbing, analogies, deductive and inductive reasoning, forecasting, planning, hypothesizing, and critiquing.
Creative Thinking
Creative thinking involves creating something new or original. It involves the skills of flexibility, originality, fluency, elaboration, brainstorming, modification, imagery, associative thinking, attribute listing, metaphorical thinking, forced relationships. The aim of creative thinking is to stimulate curiosity and promote divergence.
In Addition, check out the DISTORTED THINKING section of the Critical Thinking session. Many conflicts arise from distorted thinking.
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The Conflict Management Rule Sheet along with role playing and working together in cooperative groups helps the employee/supervisor (parent/child,)to be more reflectiv e about their relationships with each other and the conflicts that come from such relationships.
1. Focus on the problem, not on personalities.
2. Build on areas of agreement. Most groups have at least some positions or goals that are not mutually exclusive.
3. Attempt to achieve consensus.
4. Avoid provoking further conflict.
5. D o not over react to the comments of others. Extreme statements on either side tend to destroy consensus and produce a “boomerang effect.”
6. Consider compromise. This is often the best way to go from a win-lose to a win-win situation.
Too many times, a manager spends the majority of his or her time and resources responding to crises. Better, is the manager who prevents crises and who has delegated and organized to the extent that others on the team can respond to situations.
Time and resource management is a constant battle for every organization. The fact is, too many times the manager perceives his employees as incompetent, or just not able to handle the skills and tasks; or not in the way the manager wants it done. (And sometimes they ARE incompetent, but there are ways to work with them and train them).
A visionary administrator, one who believes in their employees and sees their potential, not just their weaknesses, will help their team members, to rise to the occasion, and to learn and to experience. This delegating of authority, will in itself; if done properly, bring about the saving of time, and the growth of organizational resources, that is needed for the employees and the business to prosper.
How to use and what are Time Management Tools.
In this training session, I use a practical process that everyone is familiar with to demonstrate and teach the fundamentals of this business skill. This is a fun and enlightening session that will teach you how to "see" the world with organizational eyes. You and your employees will become more efficient, more organized, and will be able to create a more effective workplace.
Organizing your laundry: Save 2-3 hours each week! Objectives: At the end of the session, the trainees will be able to:
Define the concept of refining processes.
Recognize areas of refinement in the laundry center.
Demonstrate how to create lasting change to the laundry (and any other) process.
Decision-making Worksheet
Step 1: is to analyze the situation, sorting out facts from assumptions and then challenging any notions that may be incorrect. (Covey, 1997)
List here any known facts and assumptions.
Step 2: is to form a set of objectives. The simple questions, "What is our objective?" or "What am I to accomplish from this?" always need to be asked to help one define one’s goals. (Covey, 1997)
What is your goal or objective? What are you trying to accomplish? Write that here.
Step 3: of synergistic decision-making is to check for alternative courses of action. This many times is simply a list of pros and cons, brainstorming, or creative thinking sessions. (Covey, 1997)
Second, brainstorm to think of new or alternative ways of finding a solution. Think win/win.
Covey, S. R. (1997). The seven habits of highly effective families. New York: Golden Books.
I use this work sheet, plus other activities, media, etc. in the training. More to come...
One of the skills that is a requisite to success, and yet many times is not even considered, is the skill of setting goals and priorities.
Few people really know specifically what they want out of life. And even fewer take the time to set specific written goals tied to a 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, 5 year plan.
Few businesses even do this strategic planning.
We are busy handling the crisis of the moment. We let life go by like a river, and we are on a raft and go wherever the current takes us.
The truth is that sometimes life does hit us and we must just go with the flow.
We can make life happen. We have choices. We can be prepared and have a paddle ready to help us realign our course.
The things we spend our thoughts on, our time on, our resources on...are the things we we make happen.
There are 3 videos on this page about goal setting.
Words, sentences, languages: What are they? How do they affect us, our employees, and others with whom we speak daily?
One word—just a single, simple word—can bring a variety of thoughts and influences.
A combination of words can make sense or express foolishness. One word could mean approval or denial, blessing or cursing, doubt or knowledge, friendship or enmity.
The way we say one word, the intonation we use, may motivate or cause conflict.
Learn how to become a better communicator.
Learn how to ask the RIGHT questions.